It has been quite astonishing to see how the current user base for instagram expanded from 80 million to 1 billion in a period of just 5 years!! It’s not hard to see why instagram has been given special preference while deciding our marketing strategies.
It has become an interactive and most importantly an engagement platform that offers an enormous potential for lead generation. In addition to this every 8 out of 10 people using instagram follows a business, and the wonders instagram can do for a business cannot be denied.
Surely you have a clear marketing strategy to proceed further with, so as to make the most out of this opportunity.
But it’s not always resistant, correct?
Everyone faces issues, even you would have faced at some point of time and looking for solutions has made you come to the right place!!!
Here are a few instagram problems faced by marketers and their solutions.

1. Growth oriented rather than engagement:
There’s a common misconception among marketers believing that more the followers more the customers are attracted towards a business. An effort has to be made from our end in order to convert those followers to customers. Which means having more followers is useless.
To resolve this issue one easy way is to grow your audience engagement, this will help you know better about your audience and why they are interested in your brand’s instagram page.
In order to come across their reasons, you need to interact with them through DM’s, comments etc. It is not guaranteed that they are going to respond first handedly. Don’t be discouraged by negative responses. All you need to do is to send them multiple DM’s or comments numerous times so your query comes into notice and they get the desire to respond to you. Once you have acquired their attention it’s time to move ahead with the process. Engage with your following audience multiple times with a personalized touch. This will provide your audience with a feeling that you understand their needs and will be urged to purchase from you.

2. Buying Instagram likes:
This not only implies likes but also to comments, followers etc. All of these are available on the internet for sale. It’s very alluring when there’s an option of buying likes, but the bitter truth is that it’s just a waste of time and money. Not because it’s expensive, just that the popularity factor cannot be bought with money. In fact it can degrade your brand’s image.
In order to avoid this you can design engaging content. A content that is inspiring, entertaining and provides helpful information to your target audience. Such content can attract more audience towards your instagram page leading to higher likes and more followers. You just need to ensure that the content is decorative enough with correct location tags and catchy captions.
3. Not using hashtags the right way:
Hashtags are like pillars for instagram posts. It is significant to add these in every post Yet most marketers avoid using such tags optimally. Often there’s a tendency with marketers to keep dumping posts and bios with numerous hashtags. This generally seems as the right thing to do when it comes to theory than actually implementing it in a real life scenario. No matter how many hashtags add, in most cases it does not influence the search results on instagram. So when a person is searching for a keyword related to your niche it’s not going to be visible in the search results.
To fix this issue the easiest way is to avoid the usage of hashtags altogether in your bio. In order to use them correctly, make sure to use only single branded ones that are directly linked to the identity of your brand. For the part when you want to implement the same for your posts it is important to use the relevant ones only. Hashtags should be specific and lead people to your posts rather than driving them away.

4. Posting without strategy:
You would probably end up in a problematic situation if you haven’t strategized correctly before posting. Posting unsystematically with random content is not going to get you anywhere. Doesn’t matter how hilarious or engaging it may be. All it will do is drive your customers away.
To answer this problem you need to align your marketing strategy and brand image before posting. You can take advantage of instagram analytics and use the tools to analyze the posts to see what has helped to build your brand so far. It is important to analyze and compare the response of your audience towards the post you have put up so far ( images, videos etc), the topics you have touched and the goals you have attained with each post. A common pattern has to be followed in order to get a clear idea if the previous strategies have helped the brand or not. That way, you will be able to ensure that the content you put up strikes a chord with your target audience.
The face of instagram marketing has changed. There are many problems that are bound to arise and that alright. All you need do is to adapt with the changing times and be patient to find viable solutions for your problems. This will ensure that you are on the right track and safe from striking errors in your instagram marketing strategy.